Shades of white & off-white

Shades of white & off-white

Whether lifestyle, wedding, birth or even mourning: white always fits. But why is white the answer to so many different life situations?
White flowers for beginnings, endings and totel lifestyle
White can be associated with many things because it is spiritual and noble. In our latitudes, this color stands for purity, perfection, innocence, wisdom, virtue, sympathy, love of truth, beginnings and endings.

White flowers are therefore suitable for births, marriages, New Year, turning points in life as well as mourning and consolation.

They also represent total lifestyle because they look sophisticated and go with a very wide range of interior decors.
White in other cultures
In Western cultures, white is often associated with joy.

Buddhists, on the other hand, wear white as a sign of mourning. In China, the color is a symbol of old age and autumn and is also used - in a broken tone - for mourning.

In Africa, white has a special significance. In many places it stands for death, but as body paint it also serves to make contact with otherworldly spirits.

Simply noble

In my heart
46,00 - € 96,00
A Message Full of Love
55,00 - € 95,00
March Bouquet of the Month
39,00 - € 79,00
Natural Magic of Blossoms
39,00 - € 89,00
Delicate spring composition
36,00 - € 76,00
Tender Spring Greetings
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Simply Heavenly ...
49,00 - € 89,00
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