9 June is Father's Day
Origin of Father's Day, amazing facts about domestic and foreign counterparts, Father's Day dates worldwide and loving gift ideas: you'll find it all here.
Where did the first Father's Day originate?
The first Father's Day in Germany was born out of a misunderstanding and became a merry men's party. In the meantime, however, fathers are being pampered there, too.
USA make Father's Day popular
The German Father's Day originated earlier. But its US counterpart prompted many countries to follow suit.
Father's Day 2024 worldwide
Around the world, Father's Day takes place on different dates. Because not only Austria has chosen another date than the USA. But see for yourself.
How to thank and pamper fathers on Father's Day?
There are many reasons to thank a father and many ways to spoil him. Here you have ideas, also for Father's Day gifts.
Decorating tips for Father's Day
Whether for an epicure, hobby chef, grill master, tinkerer, craftsman, or superhero: here you will find unusual decorating tips for every father.
Loving Father's Day quotes
Are you at a loss of words? Here you will find loving and touching text suggestions for Father's Day to thank your father for his love and support.