Promising - spring is in the air

Promising - spring is in the air

As light and playful as spring, this cute «mobile» will put you in a good mood and grace windows and corners in no time.
Test tubes with two small holes on the left and right; birch or other branches; French tulips; flowering twigs; string.
  1. Pull a string through the two holes of the test tube and tie them together. Leave the string long enough so that the filled and suspended test tube hangs at the desired height at the end.
  2. If you are filling more than one test tube, the strings should be different lengths. This makes it more attractive.
  1. Place a tulip and a flowering twig in each test tube and tie each test tube to one of the branches.
  2. Find a suitable place (window, corner, etc.) and hang the objects.
  3. Fill water into the test tubes.
Remember to keep filling the test tubes with water.

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