When moms get annoyed about pubescent daughters

When moms get annoyed about pubescent daughters

When teenagers cause stress at home, mothers and daughters are often affected. Here you will find reasons and ways out.
Mother and daughter
Why do mothers often have stress with pubescent daughters?
Do you often have arguments with your daughter? Think back to your own puberty and relax. The fact that adolescents - usually adolescent daughters - tend to quarrel with their mothers is often because she is the woman with whom the girls compare themselves the most. During puberty, the search for one's own path comes to the fore and as a daughter there is one thing you want above all else: not to be like your mother. 
Why it's better to talk to friends about pustules or heartbreak
In addition, adolescents suddenly see their parents as people with many weaknesses. If these former childhood heroes, who have been downgraded to «normal», continue to insist on their authoritarian position, they will only get on the children's nerves. Peers are becoming increasingly important currently. And so, it is not the mother who is asked for advice, but the best or dearest friend. This means that mommy doesn't always find out what is annoying her child. Maybe it's a problem at school, love sickness, stress with the best friend or just worries about sprouting pustules.
Stay cool and let your offspring know that you love them
The best thing to do is to stay calm and simply endure conflict situations. If you react to bad moods calmly and with a loving sense of humor, show an interest, you will learn a lot about everyday adolescent life, about happiness and suffering, hip music and «impossible clothing styles». Now it's less about education and more about relationships. Because teenagers need contact with their parents more than ever. They want to be heard. So, listen, continue to show your presence and - if desired - look for solutions with your offspring. Don't forget to give grumpy offspring a hug sometimes and tell them how much you love them.

The most beautiful Mother's Day bouquets

March Bouquet of the Month
39,00 - € 79,00
I Love You
69,00 - € 119,00
Thinking of you!
39,00 - € 79,00
Butterflies in your stomach
48,00 - € 78,00
In my heart
46,00 - € 96,00
From the Heart
60,00 - € 145,00
Only for You
53,00 - € 103,00
Just for You ...
56,00 - € 96,00
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