Colors & shapes - what makes orchids so special

Colors & shapes - what makes orchids so special

Anyone who explores the world of orchids, no longer wonder that there are so many lovers and collectors. Their diversity of species is breathtaking.
Flower size, flowering duration and variety of colors
There is hardly any other plant family with as many species as the orchid. The smallest flowers are only a few millimeters in size, the largest up to 20 centimeters. Some bloom for only a day, others for months.

So, it is almost impossible that you won't find your favorite orchid.

In the flower store you will find mostly tropical beauties. The colors of their flowers are gorgeous, ranging from powdery pastels to candy pink and Zen white. There are even flowers with a tiger look, with cow spots or stripes.
Which one do you like best?
The choice is really inspiring.

Because whether you choose the butterfly-like Phalaenopsis, the seductive black Vanda, the slender Cymbidium, the large-flowered Cattleya or the «Lady’s Slipper» Paphiopedilum, all are as stunning as their names suggest.

The best known is Phalaenopsis. It is considered the «beginner’s orchid».

Our floral seasonal hits

Cheerful winter greeting
39,00 - € 89,00
Winter Fairytale
38,00 - € 78,00
Delicate Winter
42,00 - € 92,00
Cinnamon Star
37,00 - € 59,00
Shooting Star
49,00 - € 99,00
Tender Winter Roses
55,00 - € 105,00
55,00 - € 95,00
62,00 - € 112,00
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