Care tips for orchid plants

Care tips for orchid plants

Orchids are exclusive and exotic. As easy to care for plants, they are a noble gift and last for many months with a little know-how. 
Care tips
Orchid care is actually quite simple. Here are some tips:

  • Orchids should be watered sparingly rather than generously. When you do water an orchid, it is best to place the plant in a water bath and then let it drain off thoroughly. Orchids absolutely cannot stand being waterlogged.
  • For a medium-sized pot, it is enough to water the plant once a week in winter and possibly twice a week in summer. The frequency depends on the size of the pot and the variety of orchid. Tip: lift the plastic orchid pot briefly. If the plant seems unusually light it needs watering; if the pot is still heavy you can wait a little longer.
  • Use lukewarm water with as little lime as possible.
  • Most orchids come from regions with high humidity. You will provide sufficient humidity by spraying the leaves with a special orchid leaf care product, which also acts as a dust repellent.
  • As the growth phase of most orchids is from spring to autumn, feed it every 2-4 weeks during this period. In between times, give it pure water to flush out salt residues. You should feed it much less in winter. Special liquid orchid food is best.
  • Only ever cut off dried-up parts. If a stem is still green, leave it even if it no longer displays any blooms. It is not unusual for an orchid to put out new shoots at precisely that point.

At Fleurop and its partner stores, orchids are available all year round.
Recognizing care errors
Rot is the worst enemy of any orchid. The most important thing is therefore not to overwater your orchid. However, there are other things that will harm this sophisticated exotic. Here are some tips about how to recognize the signs of errors in care:

  • A large number of small, fresh shoots indicates that the room temperature is too high.
  • Brown edges and points to the leaves could indicate a lack of humidity.
  • Long, thin and pale leaves or shoots are a symptom of insufficient light.
  • Reddish leaves or shoots are more likely to be a sign of too much sun.
By the way: although orchids flower continuously, they do need a rest phase. If your orchid obstinately refuses to bloom, the most likely cause is that it has missed a cool period. Just put your orchid somewhere cooler for a couple of months.

At Fleurop and its partner stores, orchids are available all year round.

Other important tips