MyBouquet with 14 products

MyBouquet is the name of Fleurop's magic vase, thanks to which you can order the desired number of flowers. This is how it works: for your chosen product, insert the desired flowers into the virtual vase stem by stem using the ruler.
MyBouquet Purple Tulips
From € 38,00
MyBouquet Red Roses
From € 38,00
MyBouquet Pink Tulips
From € 38,00
MyBouquet White Tulips
From € 38,00
MyBouquet White Roses
From € 38,00
MyBouquet Red Tulips
From € 38,00
MyBouquet Yellow Tulips
From € 38,00
MyBouquet White Lilies
MyBouquet White Lilies
From € 38,00
MyBouquet Pink Roses
From € 38,00
MyBouquet Pink Lilies
MyBouquet Pink Lilies
From € 38,00
MyBouquet Red Lilies
MyBouquet Red Lilies
From € 38,00
MyBouquet Yellow Roses
From € 38,00
MyBouquet Orange Roses
From € 38,00
MyBouquet Orange Lilies
MyBouquet Orange Lilies
From € 38,00