Our Favorites with 19 products

What do our customers like best? What do they buy most often? If you find the choice difficult, you will find our bestsellers here.
May Bouquet of the Month
39,00 - € 89,00
39,00 - € 79,00
Romantic peonies
49,00 - € 109,00
Magical Peonies
49,00 - € 109,00
I Love You
69,00 - € 119,00
From the Heart
60,00 - € 145,00
Only for You
53,00 - € 103,00
Simply Lovely
45,00 - € 85,00
Natural Magic of Blossoms
39,00 - € 89,00
Poetry in Pastel Shades
48,00 - € 98,00
Cordial Rose Greeting
65,00 - € 125,00
Delicate Seasonal Bouquet
45,00 - € 95,00